1,2-DCA | 1,2-dichloroethane |
1D, 2D, 3D | one dimensional, two dimensional, three dimensional |
3DVA | three-dimensional data visualization and analysis |
3TMO | 3-Tiered Monitoring and Optimization Tool |
AC | assimilative capacity |
ACO | administrative consent order |
ACL | alternate concentration limit |
AEE | Association of Energy Engineers |
AFCEC | Air Force Civil Engineer Center (formerly Air Force Center for Engineering and the Environment, AFCEE) |
AFCEE | Air Force Center for Engineering and the Environment |
Air Force | United States Air Force |
aka | also known as |
AM | adaptive management |
ARAR | applicable or relevant and appropriate requirements |
ASCT | advanced site characterization tools |
AS | air sparging |
ASM | adaptive site management |
ASTM | ASTM International |
ASTSWMO | Association of State and Territorial Solid Waste Management Officials |
BART | biological activity reaction test |
BCEE | bis 2-chloroethyl ether |
BFF | bulk fuels facility |
bgs | below ground surface |
BMP | best management practice |
BTEX | benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylene |
CCL4 | carbon tetrachloride |
CD | consent decree |
CEA | classification exception area |
CEC | contaminants of emerging concern |
CEM | certified energy manager |
CERCLA | Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (Superfund) |
CES | cost-effective sampling |
cfm | cubic feet per minute |
CFR | Code of Federal Regulations |
cis 1,2 DCE | cis-1,2 dichloroethylene |
CLU-IN | Contaminated Site Clean-Up Information |
CMD | contaminant mass discharge |
COC | contaminant of concern |
Cr (VI) | hexavalent chromium |
CRAFT | Corps of Engineers Reduced and Abridged FEMP Tool |
CRAN | Comprehensive R Archive Network |
CRC Care | Cooperative Research Centre for Contamination Assessment and Remediation of the Environment |
CSM | conceptual site model |
CTS | compliance tracking system |
CVOC | chlorinated volatile organic compound |
CZOM | AFCEC Operations Division, Midwest Branch |
CZTE | AFCEC, Environmental Restoration Technical Support Branch |
DCE | dichloroethylene |
DEC | Department of Environmental Conservation |
DER | declaration of environmental restriction |
DNAPL | dense nonaqueous phase liquid |
DNR | Department of Natural Resources |
DOD | United States Department of Defense |
DOE | United States Department of Energy |
DOH | Department of Health |
DON | United States Department of the Navy |
DPE | dual-phase extraction |
DQO | Data Quality Objective |
Dye-LIF | dye-enhanced laser-induced fluorescence |
EAD | enhanced anaerobic dechlorination |
EAWAG | Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology (Eidgenössische Anstalt für Wasserversorgung, Abwasserreinigung und Gewässerschutz) |
ECM | energy conservation measure |
EISA | Energy Independence and Security Act |
EISB | enhanced in situ bioremediation |
EPA | United States Environmental Protection Agency |
ERD | enhanced reductive dechlorination |
ERH | electrical resistive heating |
ERP | Environmental Restoration Program |
ESD | explanation of significant difference |
ESTCP | Environmental Security Technology Certification Program |
EVO | emulsified vegetable oil |
EW | extraction well |
FEMA | Federal Emergency Management Agency |
FEMP | Federal Energy Management Program |
FRTR | Federal Remediation Technologies Roundtable |
FS | feasibility study |
FY | fiscal year |
GAC | granular activated carbon |
GCUA | Gloucester County Utilities Authority |
GHG | greenhouse gas |
gpm | gallons per minute |
GSA | General Services Administration |
GTS | Geostatistical Temporal-Spatial Optimization Software |
GWTS | groundwater extraction and treatment system |
GWQS | groundwater quality standard |
GWSDAT | Groundwater Spatiotemporal Data Analysis Tool |
HAB | Hanford Advisory Board |
HDPE | high-density polyethylene |
HRSC | high-resolution site characterization |
HVAC | heating, ventilation, and air conditioning |
IBHS | Insurance Institute for Business and Home Safety |
IC | institutional control |
IDW | inverse-distance weighting |
IRM | interim remedial measure |
ISB | in situ bioremediation |
ISEB | in situ enhanced bioremediation |
ISCO | in situ chemical oxidation |
ISCR | in situ chemical reduction |
ISTR | in situ thermal remediation |
ISTT | in situ thermal treatment |
ITRC | Interstate Technology and Regulatory Council |
IVS | instrument verification strip |
JBCC | Joint Base Cape Cod |
kW | kilowatt |
kWh | kilowatt-hour |
LIF | laser-induced fluorescence |
LIRR | Long Island Rail Road |
LNAPL | light nonaqueous-phase liquid |
LPGAC | liquid-phase granular activated carbon |
LTMO | long-term monitoring optimization |
LTRA | long-term response actions |
MAR | managed aquifer recharge |
MAROS | Monitoring and Remediation Optimization Software |
MassDEP | Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection |
MCL | maximum contaminant level |
MCP | Massachusetts Contingency Plan |
MCPA | 2-methyl-4-chlorophnoxyacetic acid |
MDL | Method Detection Limit |
MEDEP | Maine Department of Environmental Protection |
μg/L | micrograms per liter |
mg/kg | milligrams per kilogram |
mg/L | milligrams per liter |
MIP | membrane interface probe |
MLE | maximum likelihood estimation |
MNA | monitored natural attenuation |
MPE | multi-phase extraction systems |
MPS | media protection standards |
MT3DMS | Modular Transport 3-Dimensional Multi-Species Model |
NA, N/A | not applicable |
NAPL | nonaqueous-phase liquid |
NAVFAC | Naval Facilities Engineering Command |
NCP | National Oil and Hazardous Substances Pollution Contingency Plan |
NCSL | National Conference of State Legislatures |
NGWA | National Groundwater Association |
NJDEP | New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection |
NMED | New Mexico Environment Department |
NPDES | National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System |
NPL | National Priority List |
NRC | National Research Council |
NSZD | natural source zone depletion |
NYSDEC | New York State Department of Environmental Conservation |
NYSDOH | New York State Department of Health |
O&M | operation and maintenance |
OLEM | Office of Land and Energy Management |
OLS | ordinary least squares |
OSRTI | Office of Superfund Remediation and Technology Innovation |
OSWER | United States Environmental Protection Agency Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response |
OU | operable unit |
P&T | Pump and Treat |
PAH | polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons |
PCE | tetrachloroethene |
PDI | pre-design investigation |
PFAS | per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances |
Photo-Cat | photo-catalysis |
POTW | publicly owned treatment works |
PRB | permeable reactive barrier |
PRP | potentially responsible party |
PV | photovoltaic |
PVC | polyvinyl chloride |
RA | remedial action |
RAO | remedial action objective |
RAP | Remedial Action Plan |
RCRA | Resource Conservation and Recovery Act |
RD | remedial design |
REMChlor | Remediation Evaluation Model for Chlorinated Solvents |
REMFuel | Remediation Evaluation Model for Fuel Hydrocarbons |
REV | representative elementary volume |
RI | remedial investigation |
RI/FS | remedial investigation/feasibility study |
RMCS | Remediation Management of Complex Sites |
ROD | Record of Decision |
ROS | remedy operation status |
RPO | remedial process optimization |
RSE | remedial system evaluation |
RSO | remedial system optimization |
RT3D | Reactive Transport 3-Dimensional Software |
RW | recovery well |
SBMP | sustainable best management practice |
SCADA | supervisory control and data acquisition |
SERDP/ESTCP | Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program / Environmental Security Technology Certification Program |
SF | slope factor |
SMART | specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, time-bound (referring to goals) |
SRM | sorptive reactive media |
SRR | sustainable resilient remediation |
SRT | sustainable remediation tool |
SURF | Sustainable Remediation Forum |
SVE | soil vapor extraction |
SWMU | solid waste management unit |
TAG | Technical Assistance Grant |
TCE | trichloroethylene |
TCEQ | Texas Commission on Environmental Quality |
tDCE | trans-dichloroethylene |
TI | technical impracticability |
U.S. | United States |
USACE | United States Army Corps of Engineers |
USEPA | United States Environmental Protection Agency |
USGS | United States Geological Survey |
UST | underground storage tank |
UV | ultraviolet |
UV-Ox | ultraviolet-oxidation |
VFD | variable frequency drive |
VPGAC | vapor phase granular activated carbon |
VIMS | vapor-intrusion mitigation system |
VOC | volatile organic compound |
VPGAC | vapor-phase granular activated carbon |
VSP | visual sampling plan |
WBZ | water-bearing zone |
ZVI | zero valent iron |